

Service & Repair

Our mobile mechanics service all types of cars and trucks, offering everything from oil changes and tune ups to brake jobs and no-starts.

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Trusted Repairs & Maintenance Services

Make an appointment to see us, and we’ll keep you two steps ahead of any mechanical, electrical, or engine troubles for enhanced overall performance. When you take care of your vehicle, it will take care of you and your transportation needs.

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AutoParts has a team of highly qualified technicians on staff ready to meet all of your auto repair and service needs.


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Why Us?


Great place to purchase all your auto parts…They sell excellent parts with great warranties; exceptional prices… Excellent!!

Arpi M

Arpi M

Glendale, CA

Best shop I’ve been to, was literally in an out in 5 minutes for a bearing and hub press. Not many shops let you bring your own parts, but they had no issues and in fact even gave advice on what to change in my car if other issues start to go bad in time. At the end, was even charged less than quoted.

Joe R

Joe R

North Hollywood, CA

I would highly recommend this company to anyone who is in the need of purchasing vehicle parts. Excellent customer service and filled with professionals individuals. Thanks again to the staff at Undercar Plus!!!

Robert T

Robert T

Upland, CA
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